My New Mom Care Package
My New Mom Care Package

My New Mom Care Package

My New Mom Care Package

Becoming a mother is one of life’s greatest moments if not THE greatest moment. When the baby is born, visitors drop by with outfits for the baby, ready-made meals and bottles of champagne. (They know their audience). Although this is all very helpful and appreciated, there were particular gifts that stood out. So when my sister-in-law gave birth a few months ago, my husband and I put together a care package that included everything she would need, and I loved having in my first few weeks as a mother. My New Mom Care Package

Huggies Little Snugglers Diapers

Baby On The Move Essentials diapers

Newborn babies live in their diapers. Even when practicing skin-to-skin, babies are diaper clad so it is important that baby’s skin is comfortable, cared for and can breathe. Huggies Little Snugglers diapers have GentleAbsorb Liners and tiny, soft pillows that provide a cushiony layer of protection between baby’s skin and the mess. These diapers also have a soft inside with a breathable outer cover and are fragrance and lotion free. With their pocketed waistband and special Leak Lock System, I have kept my little man in Huggies Little Snugglers since he was born.


UberEats Gift Card

My New Mom Care Package Uber Eats

Although the ready-made meals were great, sometimes I had particular cravings that needed to be indulged. This is when an UberEats gift card is key. Example? After my son was born, my husband and I ordered a family-size platter of sushi and devoured it in less than 30 minutes. Despite what we had in the freezer, a ready to order meal from our favourite restaurant (already paid for), in one of the few moments the baby was asleep, was exactly what we needed as new parents.




CabbageMy New Mom Care Package Cabbage

My husband read this online while researching ‘What to get for your partner when she has a baby.’ Apparently, putting a cabbage in the freezer and putting the leaves on redraw breastfeeding breasts were the perfect remedy for sore nipples. He told me this with an air of pride as he put the cabbage in the freezer. Turns out, he was right. The frozen cabbage cooled and soothed my chapped nipples. The only bad part was the smell- It’s not nice to always smell like cabbage.


Huggies Natural Care WipesBaby On The Move Essentials Huggies natural care wipes

These wipes are my favourite for a newborn baby. I still use them on my son. They have a pure and gentle formula made with 99% water, which is filtered 3 times. Safe for sensitive skin and ideal for newborn skin, these wipes are pH balanced to help promote healthy skin. Natural Care wipes are also hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested. They are also fragrance, paraben and alcohol free, with a touch of aloe and Vitamin E. They are perfect for baby skin from newborn to beyond!


Disposable UnderwearMy New Mom Care Package Cabbage disposable mom underwear

After giving birth, it is inevitable that new moms will bleed for days, if not weeks. This means changing soiled pads multiple times throughout the day to avoid leaks, making sure the pad doesn’t catch on any stitches down there (luckily I didn’t have any), and feeling like both you and baby are both wearing diapers. Cue disposable underwear. Once I switched from gigantic pads to disposable underwear, my newly busy life felt a little less complicated. I didn’t feel like I was wearing anything huge and bulky, and I didn’t have to worry about leaking everywhere. I may have worn these garbs for longer than necessary…


I need to remember all of these favourites for when I have my next little bundle of joy!

My New Mom Care Package

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